Too Much Noise Everywhere

What is going on with all of this Noise? From everywhere and everyone. Everyone is fighting for my attention. There is so much mind chatter. I have to ask myself, “Are these even really my thoughts? Are the voices in my head a reflection of what is around me? If I removed myself from all this societal noise, what will the talk be like in my head? Is this a collective chatter? Are these thoughts arising from my core? Is God speaking to me? Are these your thoughts in my head or mine?”

It is A LOT right?

Since I’ve become a mother, I really really crave quiet, like extreme peace and quiet! 

I especially want to make sure I am connecting to my mother intuition and to not let the confusion of a fake societal norm overtake how I parent. I don’t want to hear cars. I especially do not want to hear or see any advertising. I just want to hear the birds, the ocean ,my sons laughter and breeze blowing in the trees. I crave just allowing my own motherhood intuitions guide me. But how can I listen to it when there is SO MUCH NOISE!

I don’t want to take a big shopping cart and walk through isles with fluorescent lighting that blinds me with a bunch of advertising on products that overwhelms me. I don’t want to sit in my car at a red lights with lots of other cars zooming by honking their horn. I don’t want to go shopping in crowded stores with loud music.

I want to tend to my garden in peace or walk along the ocean with my feet in the sand, maybe listening to some live instruments or someone singing or humming. Perhaps move my body and dance with a group of loved ones and Take a bike or walk to my destinations and just live more simple. 

I must remind myself that even all the noise, the thoughts, the self-talk, etc- They are not me, they are to be felt and to be released.

Reminder- your thoughts are IN you, NOT YOU!

It makes it a lot easier to dispel the thoughts when we realize they are not us.


It is not just what we eat, but how we eat…


Let’s Get Vulnerable