Stop Proving and Start Receiving…

In these times of heightened sensitivity and divisiveness, it is more important than ever to stop and truly listen to one another. When we stop trying to prove our own points, expertise, and self-worth, and instead focus on receiving what others have to say, we create an environment of respect and understanding.

Stop. Even if they have a different opinion. If someone is having a respectful conversation with you, STOP and receive.

Stop proving your point, your expertise, your self worth, etc. Stop trying to fix them. Stop. Take a deep breath and let it go.


Unfortunately, the need to prove ourselves has been instilled in us from a young age, whether it be through getting good grades or conforming to societal expectations. These small actions can add up and affect our sense of self-worth. However, by embracing the mantra of "stop proving and start receiving," we can begin to unlearn these negative thought patterns and focus on what truly matters.

For some, this may mean starting a new venture, such as a business or a blog, but feeling inadequate or unworthy can hold us back. It's important to recognize when our ego is getting in the way and work towards letting go of those feelings.

Truly listening to others requires us to be present in the moment, without constantly thinking about what we're going to say next. It can be difficult, but the rewards are worth it. By being present and receiving what others have to say, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and ideas.

In meditation, we practice letting go of distractions and being fully present in the moment. This practice can be applied to our daily interactions as well. By letting go of the need to prove ourselves and truly listening to others, we can create a more peaceful and understanding world.

So, take a moment to reflect on what you may be holding back on due to feelings of inadequacy, and consider how embracing the mantra of "stop proving and start receiving" could help you move forward. And next time you're in a conversation, try to truly listen and receive what the other person is saying, without feeling the need to constantly interject your own thoughts and experiences. We do not always need to speak. Save your energy and know when to just receive. The rewards may surprise you.


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