Make Resting Cool Again

Have you ever felt so emotionally and physically drained, yet so excited and motivated for what’s to come? 

There’s been some deep pain and emotional clearing lately.  There’s been a lot of work going through this transformation of what some would call awakening. 

For me, It feels like all the unlearning and voices from everyone else in the past, but mine, have finally escaped. I’ve reconnected to the little girl I once was- so free, so innocent, so creative, so connected to God, my source. 

I’ve loved the lost teenager I was. I’ve forgiven the hardened and conflicted 25 year old in me. 

I’ve confronted the angry adult In me. 

I’ve made peace with my choices. 

It’s taken a very very long time, but finally I feel my purpose deep inside my bones. It was always in my soul, but the cloudiness of pain and shame was hindering it.

This is the face of exhaustion, but pure joy and bliss at the same time. 

Whatever it is your working towards: feel all the emotions.  Don’t be ashamed. 

We cannot be real with others if we are not real with ourselves. 

So ya, I’m TIRED as HECK and I don’t need to lie about it. I am also the most at PEACE I have ever been. 

Allow the rest. It’s cool to take a break. You’re not lazy if you need a 10 minute meditation once a day. You’re not negative for responding you’re tired or upset when someone asks how you are. 

Life is a beautiful process. Let’s feel deeply and know that it’s a normal human experience.  

Stop numbing the emotions. 

Feel all your emotions! It’s ok. 

Just like your breath, in and out, our lives will ebb and flow. 

It feels sooo good to allow myself to reset and rest. 

I know it’s not the coolest in our society, but I’ve been taking care of my heart. I’ve been meditating with a full sink of dishes. 

Life is a beautiful mess. Then we die. So feel your feelings! 

Who else needed extra rest this last weekend? Who else feels an intense shift away from their old life patterns? What are your new rituals? 


Eclipse feelings


“OM MANI PADME HUM” Chanting Benefits